The fog was as dense as French Canadian pea soup. It was so thick that you could not see more than 50 feet in any direction. We were approaching the major shipping lane into New York Harbor. I was startled by a loud foghorn from a freighter that was steaming towards us at 14 knots. Read More
Author: john.hagen12
Waiting out the Storm
It was 2:00 AM on Tuesday morning, May 10, 2022 when I felt the boat heel to about 15 degrees. It woke me from my sleep. I was by myself on my 51 foot sailboat. There was a terrible racket outside and I could hear the wind howling. I was tied up at the end Read More
Adventure on the High Seas- Bahamas to New York City (well almost…)
I found myself hanging at the top of a 72 foot mast 250 miles away from the closest point of land in huge swells about 500 miles directly north of the Bahamas. Although the wind had died, there were still the remaining massive swells from the previous nights storm. Every oscillation affecting the boat was Read More
A Fishing tale….
It was definitely the highlight of the day for me when I realized that there was a fish on the end of the hook. I could see him jumping 300 feet behind the boat, gracefully arching in the air and tugging on the 300 lb. test line. New at catching fish meant that I had Read More
A day in the life of a sailor ……. waiting for a weather window
The wind is blowing 20-25 kn and I am tied up to a mooring ball off of Stocking Island, opposite Chat ‘n’ Chill beach. It is supposed to be like this all week with the wind settling down perhaps by next Wednesday or Thursday according to my PredictWind app. I’ve been here almost 3 weeks Read More
End of the line….. Georgetown
Georgetown is generally the end of the line for many cruisers. The reason for this is that the predominant winds are from the east and to get south to the Caribbean, it is necessary to head east before you can head south. Sailors wishing to do this need to wait for a weather window and Read More
Stuck on a sandbar….
It is starting to get dark and somewhere near Compass Cay in the central Exumas and as we were trying to escape a falling tide, we were about half an hour too late and stuck on a sandbar. I have a Shoal draft keel and when we looked with fins and mask, the keel was Read More
Getting ready…. B.O.A.T (break out another thousand)
The last wave of the pandemic has been the worst of all of the waves this far. The omicron variant was far easier to catch and spread more quickly throughout. At our hospital, surgery was cancelled for most of the month of January and February and it was not possible to come down to the Read More
The Red In My Father’s Beard
It was sunrise in early November, 2021. I knew we were close to Grand Bahama Island because of the GPS tracking but actually seen it in the distance as the sun rose after six days at sea was indescribable. I had been at the helm for the last 2 hours while the other two sailors Read More
Covid-19 and the Bahamas- “You are under strict quarantine!”
After ariving at the Grand Bahamas Yacht club the first thing that I did was raise our quarantine yellow flag. What this meant was that we had to go through the customs and immigration process, purchase a cruising permit for the Bahamas, and make sure that we had a valid health certificate. Before we left Read More