
Going south

A sailor’s dream is to sail south to Paradise. Images of swinging in a hammock in a gentle breeze while watching the sunset from the front of the sailboat gently bobbing at anchor in a secluded harbour surrounded by palm trees is what appears near the surface of my mind. This is how any journey Read More


Sailing stories

Sailors are big story tellers so I am always looking for a good sailing story. I have watched hundreds of sailing videos and every once in a while I come across one on YouTube that is memorable. What makes a great sailing story? It is a true story You can imagine something like this happening Read More


The new boat

After losing the first boat in a storm 240 miles off the coast of New Brunswick, I once again approached Pat Sturgeon of Pat Sturgeon Yachts. We went through the options of looking for another used boat. There was an almost new Hanse 505 in Abu Dabi that was fully loaded and looked beautiful. Ileana Read More