Approaching the dock in Nanny Cay Marina was easy; the colourful buildings gleamed in the sunlight, and the sound of happy chatter drifted from the nearby restaurants. They assigned me to dock D3, a bustling hub of activity with the sounds of seagulls and the salty smell of the ocean. With a deep breath, all Read More
Living for the moment……
In St. Martin, the aroma of French pastries filled the air, contrasting with the salty breeze from spectacular beaches and fiery sunsets. The central location of the Marigot marina allowed us easy access to French cultural experiences, from the vibrant sounds of the market to the delicious smells of traditional cuisine. View from our dock Read More
We caught a fish…..well two at the same time!
A strong wind blew steadily from the Northeast. As we departed from the charming Jolly Harbor in Antigua, the sun was just beginning to appear on the horizon, its rays only faintly illuminating the sky. It was Barbuda, an island rendered iconic by the late Princess Diana’s fondness for its secluded shores, that we had Read More
I thought I escaped unscathed…
I ran into a fishing net with buoys sailing to Antigua off the coast of Barbuda. It was wrapped around the propeller, rudder, and keel. I lost all ability to steer. In the middle of the night, it was pitch black. The seas were rough, and the wind was howling. A strong wind and current Read More
We Have a Problem….
“We have a problem,” said Jeff. I had passed out on my bunk after finishing my shift at 1 a.m. when he awoke me. What now? I thought. The boat was gently rocking on the swells and the soft sound of slicing through the seas seemed to indicate the boat was moving well. I quickly Read More
Red sky in morning sailors take warning….
The best shift on the deck of my sailboat is the 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Watching the sun come up and feeling the warmth on the skin with a gentle breeze is a special sensation after a night at sea. We were 350 miles north of Antigua. The winds were light, and we Read More
There’s a storm brewing…..
We left Bermuda with the next weather window. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and a gentle breeze beckoning us out to sea. It was a different experience than the harrowing one coming in to St. George’s with all the flashing buoys confusing me and the high winds and raging ocean in Read More
Hunkered down in Bermuda to avoid nasty weather….
Night was approaching…and it was only 4:30 p.m. The wind was 22 knots with gusts up to 26. It had picked up over the past hour. Too much sail was making it difficult top control the boat. We talked about reefing the main so we could sail without putting too much pressure on our struggling Read More
And we are off……………
Today was the day. At 5 a.m. I was wide awake in the pitch blackness of the cabin. The silence permeating through the boat indicated no wind and calm conditions in the Salt Ponds Marina, in Hampton, Virginia where I had docked ILEANA for the past month. After much discussion among the Salty Dawg Sailors Read More
About the Weather
“A pocket of energy is in the Gulf of Mexico. The moisture and warm water temperature, along with the trough extending from Hispanola to the Bahamas will cause significant disturbance in the weather, possibly in the northeastern Caribbean.” The Exclamation Marks suggest possible lightning strikes along the sailing route south…… I listened intently before I Read More